Assisted Living
At The Towne House, residents have the assurance that if their health changes, supportive care, and services are available in all apartments. Residents will not need to relocate in order to receive a wide variety of assisted living services designed to help maintain the most independence possible. This is a unique advantage of The Towne House Assisted Living Services Program.
Residents are comfortable knowing that services are provided by familiar licensed Towne House staff. Personalized service plans developed to meet individual needs and monitored by administrative staff assure that there is an excellent continuity of care. Nursing staff can even administer medications and/or treatments on a daily basis, coordinating all medications with pharmacists and physicians.
Some of the services available in Assisted Living include:
- Medication management and administration
- Minor treatments or other nursing services
- Assistance with bathing and shampooing
- Assistance with grooming and dressing
- Extra daily housekeeping services such as making beds, personal laundry and tidying the apartment
- Reminder services and mobility assistance to and from meals and activities